The Weekly Don Quixote: On The Run

There’s no end in sight for the feud that rages between our DonQ and the Templars!

KnightsSanchoP: Well, I sure hope you learnt enough about their ‘technique’ a couple of weeks ago for us to dodge it… I’d say windmills are no longer our number one priority!

DonQ: And whose fault is this, if I may be so bold as to ask!? Someone just had make a move on his bird last week, didn’t they?!

[If none of this makes sense to you, check out the rest of the Weekly Don Quixote series by clicking here]

20 thoughts on “The Weekly Don Quixote: On The Run

      1. TBM

        I might not be able to start anytime soon. What timeline were you thinking of? Now I wish I bought a DQ t-shirt when i was in Barcelona. That always enhances my reading pleasure. yep, I’m a nerd.


      2. ladyofthecakes Post author

        LOLOLOL! I can send you one – much more authentic from Toledo.
        Not too soon at my end either, and I’ve got to decide whether to read it in English or Spanish. I don’t like reading translations if I can avoid it, but antiquated Spanish may be too much for me to handle


      3. TBM

        Just so you know, I’ll be reading it in English. Spanish in general would be too hard. I haven’t been keeping up with my lessons for my next big trip. Need to work on that! Must be able to order beer.


      1. ladyofthecakes Post author

        That’s heartening to hear 😉
        It amuses me, and as long as a handful of people seem to enjoy it, I keep putting him up (to no good).
        I guess he’s a bit of an acquired taste.


  1. Karolyn Cooper

    At least Don Q is bright enough to look up and spot the menacing knight. Sancho and Rocinante are stupidly staring straight ahead.



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