The Weekly Don Quixote: Bouncer At A Posh Hotel

A pinched skinniness may be one of his most recognisable physical attributes, but I think he cuts a suitably authoritative figure here, earning his crust monitoring the comings and goings at one of Toledo’s most traditional hotels. (And one of the few that is actually situated inside the old town – the narrow streets weren’t built for buses…)

Just don’t cough in his direction as you amble past him with your suitcases in tow. He might go to pieces and lampoon your smalls on his way down.

Don Q Guarding Hotel

A mere sliver of a man... but with plenty of character to copensate

A mere sliver of a man… but with plenty of character to compensate

For the other posts in the Weekly Don Quixote series, click here.

13 thoughts on “The Weekly Don Quixote: Bouncer At A Posh Hotel

      1. TBM

        I look confused. Most people think I’m an idiot. When I was a kid, they thought I was lost and would try to help. As an adult, they realized I’m an idiot and beyond help.


      2. ladyofthecakes Post author

        If you’re weedy enough, combined with the gormless facial expression, maybe you could carve yourself out an entirely new career as a DonQ Double!


      3. ladyofthecakes Post author

        I’ve marked it my diary. Expecting to see a blog post… or, seeing since I’ve never had a ‘guest’ post before, consider yourself conscripted.


  1. TBM

    What! is that allowed in the blogging world! Conscripted. Never associated that word with my life. I’m pretty sure no army wants me. A friend once said my arms look like wet spaghetti noodles blowing in the wind.



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