Category Archives: Don Quixote

The Weekly Don Quixote: An Ill-Fated Revenge Attempt

He’s still chomping on those Templars…


SanchoP: Maybe you should have waited for them to take their boots off before biting their ankles.

DonQ: Cang thou thee my thooth..?

SanchoP: Hmmm… may have slipped way back down your gullet… along with your pride and your dignity…

DonQ: Awrh, bollockth!

[To see the rest of the Weekly Don Quixote series and his long-standing feud with the Templar Knights, click here]

The Weekly Don Quixote: Oh, So Close…!

Maybe this will be DonQ’s lucky week…?

Hullloooo ma pretty boyz....!

Hullloooo there mah preeetty knight… coo-chi-coo-hooo!

"Faster, Sancho, get your ass into gear!!"

“Faster, Sancho, get your ass into gear!! I’m on a promise here!”

"Olé pretty señoritaaaa!"

“Olé sweet señoreeetah, how you’re doin’?”

DonQ: Where did he come from!?! I so need to trash a windmill now...!!! SanchoP: Yeah, windmills...

DonQ: Where the hell did he spring from!?! I so need to thrash a windmill right now…!!!
SanchoP: Yeah, windmills…

[To view the Weekly Don Quixote series, click here]

The Weekly Don Quixote: On The Run

There’s no end in sight for the feud that rages between our DonQ and the Templars!

KnightsSanchoP: Well, I sure hope you learnt enough about their ‘technique’ a couple of weeks ago for us to dodge it… I’d say windmills are no longer our number one priority!

DonQ: And whose fault is this, if I may be so bold as to ask!? Someone just had make a move on his bird last week, didn’t they?!

[If none of this makes sense to you, check out the rest of the Weekly Don Quixote series by clicking here]

The Weekly Don Quixote: Girls Want Bad Boys!

Doesn’t he already have enough hopeless quests on his plate…?!

Flamenco Dancer

DonQ: It is our knightly duty to rescue the poor, helpless damsel from these brutes!

SanchoP: Doesn’t look like she needs any rescuing… you see the way she’s eyeing up his helmet?

[To catch up on the Weekly Don Quixote series (and get the background on the escalating feud with the Templar Knights) click here]

The Weekly Don Quixote: Taking Lessons


SanchoP: Didn’t you try to suck up to them last week, and they totally dissed you?!
DonQ: We’re not here to socialise. This is purely an educational outing. We’re observing their technique.
SanchoP: They sure got some real fancy footwork going on…

[To view the Weekly Don Quixote Series, click here.]

The Weekly Don Quixote: Knights Of The Cold Shoulder

This week, our lonesome DonQ’s been trying his best to make friends with some like-minded professionals of his creed. But it seems like things aren’t going too well for him…

DonQ & Knights

The one the right: He says he’s a knight, just like us.
The one on the left: Sounds like a bit of a bighead, if you ask me.
The one in front: Just keep walking… don’t look back… it’ll go away.

[To view the Weekly Don Quixote Series, click here]

The Weekly Don Quixote – The Shoplifter’s Nemesis

Well, wouldn’t you know it… I bumped into our Noble Knight again this week. He was not just strategically positioned, but fully armed(!), and ready to jump on any unsuspecting yoofs planning on making a fast getaway with this shop’s tourist tat* precious merchandise stuffed down their pants.

Don Q shopsYou’ll notice little Sancho Panza lying in wait, just inside the door to the right, cunningly obscured by the white bin, his beady eyes homing in on potential kleptomaniacs. Nobody rustles anything past those two!

(If you’re new to this blog and none of this makes sense, you can catch up on the Weekly Don Quixote series by clicking here.)

*Toledo’s shops are crammed right up to the rafters with…erm… classy gift items. If you think you can take it, click here… but if your eyes fall out, there’s no point blaming me, and you won’t find the ‘send’ button anyway.

The Weekly Don Quixote: A Knight In Demand

I’ve been feeling very guilty about neglecting poor DonQ on account of my Bavarian exploits. So, I looked him up yesterday to see whether he was feeling a bit lonely. Well, it turns out, I needn’t have worried. A lack of attention does not seem to be his problem.

Do not step any closer, Madam! Not only do I have a lance to fend off anyone intending to besmirch my honour...

Do not step any closer, Madam! Not only do I possess an exceedingly pointy lance to fend off any personage intent on besmirching my honour…

...but also an impenetrable shield!

…but I also wield an impenetrable shield!

Keep your hair on! I wasn't gonna bite, you know, just asking for the time...!

Keep yer hair on, sugar! I ain’t gonna bite ya, just askin’ for the time of day…!

Move over, you paint-sprayed hussy. You're well past it, I dare say! He needs an expert touch. Hmmm... I rather like the look of his lance, and we'll see about the impenetrable...

Move over, you spray-painted wreck of a galleon. You’re well past it, I dare say! He needs an expert touch, he does. Hmmm… I rather like the look of his perky lance, and we’ll see about the impenetrable…

To view the Weekly Don Quixote series, click here.

The Weekly Don Quixote: Woman Trouble…

Not all is well between our friends. There’s been some discord. The cause…? A girl, of course.

I…I… I did not! How dare you promulgate such an uncouth falsehood! My lifeblood, my soul, my every breath are solely devoted to Dulcinea, I’ve no eyes for another!

But I saw you. I was there!

But I saw you. I was there.

So was I! You were both peering under her skirt, you dirty buggers, you!

So was I! You were both peeping under her skirt, you pair of dirty buggers! Besides, the local paparazzi caught you!

The Girl....

[For the other posts in the Weekly Don Quixote Series, click here. ]