A ‘Pilgrimage’ To Andechs Abbey

Another family excursion to a pretty place, believe it or not…! This time, mum, bro and I went to Andechs Abbey, about half an hour’s drive away.

Andechs Abbey, up on a hill is a place of catholic pilgrimage. Here’s a model:Andechs

But don’t be fooled… 99.9% of people do not trudge up that hill for an apparition of the Virgin Mary, they come for this:

Andechser Bier

Andechs brewery is very famous 🙂
(This, btw, is a shandy, in case you’re wondering about the strange colour)

Andechs is the place where Bavarian under-twos are initiated in the sacred rite of beer drinking:

Bavarian drinkers

Dark beer is quite strong stuff…

Being a lightweight, I opted for a ginormous steamed bun (Dampfnudel) with custard and a coffee

Being a lightweight, I opted for a ginormous steamed bun (Dampfnudel) with custard and a coffee

Andechs Abbey church steeple

Andechs Abbey church steeple

Bavarian churches tend to be really ornate inside, and this is especially true for those belonging to wealthy abbeys like Andechs. I took a few inside shots, which didn’t turn out too badly.

The ceiling of the entrance hall is very pretty

The ceiling of the entrance hall is very pretty

The ceiling of the actual church is rather more…bombastic…!

The altar

The altar

Enough gold for you...?

Enough gold for you…?

Andechs Abbey Church

Andechs Abbey Church

And some nice candles to finish off

And some nice candles to finish off

20 thoughts on “A ‘Pilgrimage’ To Andechs Abbey

  1. Anna

    Now THIS is a post I’ve been waiting for. Beer – check. Bread – check. Little kids drinking beer – OMG WHEN AM I MOVING THERE? (No, really kids, hold off another decade or so…). Also I like the naturalistic flower decorations.


  2. supertylor

    A friend and I trudged up the hill to get to Andechs a couple of months ago. We hadn’t even known about it until seeing a passing mention in a guidebook. Definitely worth the trip! Your photos do it justice, too.

    Now I just need to get onto writing a post about it!



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