Rainy Regensburg. And Skewered Sausages.

Last Wednesday, mum and I took a trip to Regensburg, another very old and splendid Bavarian town. Things didn’t look very promising when we set off. According to the weather forecast, Regensburg would live up to its name: “Regen” means “rain” in German. (Regen is also the name of a river that flows through the town, which is how it got its name).

In the end, the weather wasn’t too bad, although you’ll notice a distinct lack of blue sky in the photos.

The flowers held up pretty well

The flowers held up pretty well

Perfect weather for snails :)

Perfect weather for snails 🙂

...and man eating fish

…and man-eating fish

man eating fish 2

Street and umbrellaTower and brollyChickensRegensburg streetRegensburg Arch

Regensburg Mural

Time for a food break 🙂 Question: What do you do when you can’t decide which kind of sausage to have..?

Answer: You order them ALL!

Answer: You order them ALL! On a skewer, so they can’t get away.


"Sauerbraten" - Beef (which has been marinated overnight), potato dumplings and red cabbage.

“Sauerbraten” – Beef (which has been marinated overnight), potato dumplings and red cabbage. It’s a traditional Bavarian dish, and this incarnation was just PERFECT.


A pretty café

A pretty café


Love the daisies 🙂


Regensburg's Gothic Cathedral is world famous. I didn't like it much from the inside, far too dark and dingy, although the painted glass windows are amazing, admittedly.

Regensburg’s Gothic Cathedral is world famous. You can’t miss the spires poking out from behind the town houses. I didn’t like it much from the inside, far too dark and dingy, although the painted glass windows are amazing, admittedly.

These next few pictures are from the Church of St Emmeram, which looks fairly unassuming from the outside.

St Emmeram Entrance

St Emmeram 1

From the inside, however…!

St Emmeram Ceiling

St Emmeram Organ

St Emmeram Wooden Ceiling

Painted wooden ceiling, which came out very dark, so I lightened it and enhanced the colours slightly.

St Emmeram gate

Acupuncture - already popular in the dark ages...

Acupuncture – already popular in the dark ages…

OK, that’s it.

Wait… something’s missing… what could that be…? Oh oh, I remember – CAKE!

Poppy seed strudel!!! Actually, I had that before we ever got to Regensburg. Due to a 5-minute delay of the connecting train, we saw our train pull out of the station just as we got there. So we consoled ourselves with cake while waiting for the next one :)

Poppy seed strudel!!!
Actually, I scoffed that before we ever got to Regensburg. Due to a 5-minute delay in our train connection, we saw our train pull out of the station just as we arrived. So we consoled ourselves with coffee & cake while waiting for the next one 🙂

73 thoughts on “Rainy Regensburg. And Skewered Sausages.

  1. Expat Eye

    I just can’t get over how pretty and well-maintained everything is! Just beautiful. Again, you’ve left me unconvinced with that cake though – but I’ll take the sausages 😉


      1. ladyofthecakes Post author

        It involves a serial-marrying Russian, a hapless English boarding school survivor and his soggy stately home in Shropshire (aka The Venue), an emergency room doctor and moi in a most horrid green dress. I’d really rather forget about it.

        Oh, and the happy couple are long divorced.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. suej

    Ah, Regensburg…..I don’t remember a lot about the place, but I remember being fascinated by a mummified Bishop’s finger in the cathedral…(to the horror of my Bavarian friend)


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      Oh, they love their relics… almost as much as the Spanish. In Toledo, I’ve an entire mummified baby crown prince next door. Kept in a drawer by the nuns. For several hundred years already.


      1. ladyofthecakes Post author

        There’s a story… in a nutshell: The king (which bloody one?!) entrusted his infant son to the convent. But he was poisoned by the opposition. The nuns, in their overzealous duty of care (so what if he’s dead?!), preserved his body. And it’s still there.


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      Most friendly, really? Interesting. Actually, I’ve been paying attention to this on this year’s visit, and I’ve found that people (in the shops, restaurants, etc) are very friendly and chatty everywhere we’ve been to.


  3. Andean

    Are German potatoe dumplings stuffed with cheese and scallions?. Look similar to a favorite Ecuadorian food called llapingachos.


      1. Andean

        Starting to consider snacks more and more, with delays and such. Potatoe chips saved the dazze 🙂 , on my last trip…


  4. ytaba36

    What a pretty city! Or at least, the part you were in. I tips me hat to your mom, I could never eat all those sausages in one go and live to tell the tale.



  5. narami

    There’s a famous restaurant here called Casa Bavaria, the food is good but the place is famous for the beer. Apparently Germans have a great taste with beer. I want particularly impressed.


  6. Kim in Fiji

    All the streets were so clean it was like a Hollywood set in an older movie…. nearly unbelievable – only a few leaves around the wooden chickens … that is until the “daisies” photo (where are the daisies? seek and find … I did finally see them) that fronted a graffiti-festooned shutter. Somebody in Rainville is probably going to be pretty miffed that you posted a shot of its underbelly.


  7. TBM

    Lovely photos of a quaint place. However I have to say, the sausage photo was my fave. The better half, who is the cook, is out of town and I’m starving.


  8. restlessjo

    It all looks wonderfully… how shall I say this?…. Bavarian? 🙂 🙂 Trust you had a great holiday? Some wonderful photos here 🙂 And i’m not talking sausages.


  9. Jenna

    I was ready to say the photo of the guy being eaten by the fish was my favorite until I saw the one of the organ….just breathtaking! And the sausages….oh, the sausages!


      1. Jenna

        Oh, how quickly downhill this thread will go!

        No breakfast for me today (damn you, 445 am wakeup call!) but sausages at any time are always a fun distraction 😉

        Liked by 1 person

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