
I spent the first twenty years of my life in Germany, followed by two decades in the UK and I now live in Spain. I’m never quite sure what to say when people ask me where I’m from… should I go by what my passport says? Or where I spent nearly my entire adult life? Or tell them where I’m living right now?

One of the hallmarks of my life is my inability to stick to the well-trodden path, and that I do things in the wrong order.

To illustrate, in very broad brush strokes: I settled down aged 20 with all the requisite trimmings, woke up a decade later (it was a Saturday morning in January, I remember it vividly), realising it was totally wrong for me.

By now on the brink of my thirties, I un-settled myself, and moved town to attend university with the aim of becoming a Nutritionist. (Note: This did nothing to cure me from my cake obsession.) Almost a decade later, I ended up as a freelance writer. Which, ironically, is all I’ve ever wanted to be anyway.

Having gained the freedom of being able to work from virtually any place with an internet connection, I decided to tackle another one of my long-term dreams: becoming multilingual. In pursuit of that goal, I moved from London to central Spain in September 2011. My Spanish is improving, albeit at glacial speed. Three years ago, I started learning Portuguese and going really grey. I’m convinced there is a connection. Last year, I figured I might as well add French to the mix.

The core themes of this blog are languages, living abroad, food and travel. (I also have a specialist language blog, see here: http://multilingualbychoice.blogspot.com)


I’m always delighted to hear from quirky people and dip into their blogs, so do drop me a comment if you feel like it.

A snapshot of my dazzling freelance work life can be found here.

And if you want to know about my rather unpromising beginnings in the language-learning department, click here.

CakesIf you don’t want to leave a comment on this blog, I can be contacted on simone_baroke@yahoo.co.uk

You can follow me on Twitter



For fellow language nerds, visit my language blog http://multilingualbychoice.blogspot.com




200 thoughts on “About

  1. cindamackinnon

    Ah you are a fellow expat! We’ve led parallel lives and I never know where to tell people where I’m from either. Now that I’ve lived for years in California that’s what I say, although I moved here later in life and my family is scattered about. Here’s to cake, languages and multi-cultural view points.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Shelley

    Hi there,
    Do you have a contact email? I’m about to move to Toledo and would love to ask you a few Qs if you have the time.
    Thanks in advance.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. LAMarcom

    Discovered you via Expat Eye.
    I have been an expat on and off since I was twenty (loooong time ago), but being a Native Texan, I never hesitate when asked where I’m from. (Texans are just ‘slightly’ arrogant that way).
    I spent a few weeks in Spain back in ’06 (I was on R&R from Iraq at the time). I have to say without a doubt, the Spanish people are some of the most gracious, kind, helpful people I have ever met.


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      Hi there, and thanks for leaving a comment 🙂

      Yes, I do love the Spanish, they are, generally, very warm-hearted and welcoming.

      And Texas has the most amazing breakfasts. Ooooooh…. I could do with one of those now, despite it being dinner time. Sigh.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ladyofthecakes Post author

        I love how they serve everything on one plate. Having to choose between sweet or savoury does my head in, but no need for such lengthy deliberations in Texas 😉


  4. sofagirl

    Hello LOTC – or as we say in Cape Town – Howzit! We were wondering if you would be interested in being part of a tagged blog with us? What you do is answer a few questions on why you write – top it with the invite from us, and tail it with a reference to someone else’s blog. Like this: http://thegisbornegourmet.wordpress.com/2014/07/08/why-i-write/ What you say? If you are interested drop us an email to campariandsofa@gmail.com. luv Claudia and Sue


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      Hello there and thanks for thinking of me! Coincidentally, I’ve got a post answering the very same questions going up later today, as Linda from ExpatEye asked me to do it a couple of months ago! Sorry… 😉


  5. lizard100

    Hi Simone
    I haven’t known you long but I like your sense of humour.

    So I’ve nominated you for an award. Wonderful team membership reader award.

    It’s up to you if you’d like it but it’s basically a thank you for your support!


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      Aw, thanks, Liz! I’m not sure if I’m going to get round to it very soon, as I’m about to embark on summer travelling, but I definitely appreciate the thought, and I love your blog!!!


  6. Moxie in the Making

    Wow! That’s so cool, and you must have some great stories to share on your travels! Looking forward to hearing them!


  7. Yang


    Really cool blog! Are you still accepting guest post about travelling abroad. I put together an infographic and want to send it to you. Maybe you would like to share:)



    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      Hi there, and thanks for visiting! I don’t really do guest posts, I’ve got enough rubbish of my own to put up 😉 And as for info graphics… are they about… CAKE? If so, maybe we can talk…


  8. whichwaynow101

    So much in common Cake Lady! I’ve vacillated between the U.S. and the UK, currently in the UK but really want to live in France. I’m studying French again after a gap of ** years! Studied Spanish for 3 years but have now forgotten more than I ever learned. And have just started an online course of nutrition therapy. My WP annual report suggested I have a look at your site. So glad I did! Now following you. Only popped on the laptop to print off my next nutrition lesson. Must go! See you again. Happy New Year!


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      Hello there! I must be subscribing to the wrong version of the WP Annual Report… all I get is silly suggestions 😉

      If you haven’t already, you might want to subscribe to Duolingo to help you warm up your French. It’s free and quite useful (though not sufficient as a stand-alone language learning programme).

      When are you thinking of heading over to France?


      1. whichwaynow101

        France has been consigned to the ‘visits only’ bin. Having finally convinced my zenophobic English husband that it would be a lovely place to live, we discovered the horrors of French taxation. C’est la vie!
        I paid Duolingo a visit and flunked my entrance exam! I need to wake up and hydrate before I do things like that.
        I will visit your blog and try to read some of your ‘back issues’ but only after lunch. Otherwise I’ll head straight off to the kitchen in search of CAKE!


  9. mykitchenonfire

    I’ve been living in different countries too, interested about your posts!!:) I would like to nominate you for the versatile blogger award, if that’s okay with you…(?) I’ll post about it within a day.


  10. hannas123

    hi ,i just came across your blog from Duolingo .Great article ,and just as it is ,that cringing after boldly making some conversation and then not understanding what is being said and nodding ,nodding ,si ,si …….I have just come back from Spain again ,this time did the rest of the via de la plata ,and to Santiago via the Sanabres ,Am wanting to do what you have done ,but not for a long as have ties here in Fremantle .So i read with interest that you chose to go to a smaller city .Im thinking of going back to Salamanca .Will go on reading your blog


      1. hannas123

        yes i will .thanks for responding .Am struggling with media additions to wordpress at moment .Have been putting off writing for years and years ,i mean publicly writing .So wish me luck and perseverance ! Cheers will hopefully stay in touch

        Liked by 1 person

    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      Hi there! Yes, I’m fine, but thanks for checking 🙂 I’ve had a problem with my right arm and had to cut computer time, but it’s improving now. Hope all is well at your end.


  11. Neil

    Hi (from Duo) Simone, as a fellow wanderer and language struggler, i’m really looking forward to reading your blogs… and lusting over your cakes! Cheers, Neil 🙂


  12. samdfb1

    Hah. I cant believe someone loves cake as much as me! Recently wrote a blog post called ‘brexit + cake’ – i love cake that much I combined the two. Looking forward to checking out the rest of blog.


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      What?! You can’t leave me hanging like this – where is the link?!? I’ve just had a look at your blog and I have indeed found some cake in a Brexit post about finances. Is there more…?


      1. samdfb1

        Ahh. Sorry! Should have included the link-glad you found it. I mention cake in nearly every post. There is a post about cakes in Russia. My goodness-those cakes look so good that it makes you want to reach through the pc and grab it. Will send you the link! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

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