Tag Archives: Wine

Toe Woes And Other Weekly Highlights

Finally! Pool season! I enjoyed my first splash of the summer on Wednesday, courtesy of my pal Olga, whose apartment complex has a pool. Usually, we get to have it all to ourselves between 4-6pm, before the wild hordes arrive. (The wild hordes comprising a mum and her two toddlers.)

The only bad thing about pool season is that it prompts me to contemplate my wonky toes. Actually, there’s aesthetically challenging parts to be found at both ends of my legs. But let’s not go there…

I mean... have you ever seen anything more crooked in your life?!

I mean… have you ever seen anything more crooked in your life?!

The next morning started with a nice breakfast with my friend Gill in a medieval church-turned-concert-venue-bar-art-gallery-and-café round the corner. And it was a very special day indeed: It rained. No, it poured. In Toledo. In July. Totally unheard of. It’s usually dry as a nun’s nasty in these parts from June till September. Even the frequent summer thunderstorms don’t yield any precipitation.

The wee bowl of fruit salad was a surprise addition

The wee bowls of fruit salad were a surprise addition. A bit strange, though, as they had cucumber in them.

Later on, drinks with Maria:

There she is, perusing her water bill.

There she is, perusing her water bill. She’d not got to the bottom of it at that point, hence the glowing smile.

And on Friday morning, I was notified that I had shot to international fame once again: An article I wrote eons ago was published. Yup. In the world-renowned trade publication that is… Potato Business. Here’s the proof.

You’re all overwhelmed now, aren’t you, by the glamour and relentless excitement that is my life… and by my twisted tootsies.










A Sunday Walk. Lots Of Colours. And A Happy Ending :)

Sunday was the last day of Corpus Christi week, Toledo’s major annual “fiesta”.  My friend Catalina and I decided to take to the streets with our cameras before all the decorative splendour disappeared back into the box again for another year.

Toledo Calle Ancha

The main shopping street

Even the local theatre got some fancy curtains

Even the local theatre was beautified with some very fancy curtains for the occasion

Part of a floral display outside the cathedral

Part of a floral display outside the cathedral

Never mind the giants lined up in front of the Town Hall - what's with the hundreds of bags filled with water dangling down from the balcony?!

Never mind the giants lined up in front of the Town Hall, they make an appearance every year – but what’s with the hundreds of bags filled with water dangling down from the balcony?! I’m guessing it’s to do with spending cuts…

Is it me or do they look like they've got goldfish in them...?

Is it me or do they look like they have goldfish in them…?

Catalina. I think she may be off-side ;-)

Catalina. I think she may be waaay off side 😉

You didn't think we'd be out there, toiling away in the streets of Toledo, without adequate sustenance, did you?!

All that hard toil out there in the scorching-hot streets deserved a reward at the end 🙂