I’ve Just Had A Scary Email From WP Mission Control…

So, my dearest blogging buddies (and I mean ALL five of you!), what exactly happens when you get Freshly Pressed?

Will I need to make four days’ worth of sandwiches in advance and puree them so I can suck my hands-free meals through a straw? Practice peeing in a bucket (using a different coloured straw)? Employ a crew of PAs and draw up a shift rota as watertight as that of Santa’s elves the week before Christmas? Toss all Wifi enabled devices into the Tagus and book myself in for a looooong weekend on Tristan Da Cunha? Tell my clients to stick their article deadlines where the sun don’t shine?

I know some of you have had this happen, and more than once. What sort of traffic volumes should I prepare myself for? What if REAL nutters (as opposed to mildly deranged folk like you) find me?????

I was about to upload a post entitled “Cake Porn”… am now re-considering…



60 thoughts on “I’ve Just Had A Scary Email From WP Mission Control…

  1. Jackie Cangro

    I’ve not had the good fortune to be FP’ed, but I didn’t know that you received advance notice. Nice to hear that you have a warning to mentally prepare and stock up on a supply of chocolate to keep by your computer.


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      Yes, they email you a few days in advance, to make sure your blog is ‘ready’ (whatever that means…?!). Chocolate! Must stock up on the essentials, thanks for reminding me 🙂


      1. Zyriacus

        And it was worth indeed to read it. Did so with much amusement and thinking back to the shock that hit me the first time in England. I had so highly thought of my proficiency in the language as I alway had best marks at school. But then – they teach you all about shakespeare and his likes, but you are at a loss when being forced to ask your way to the toilet – you just don’t have the words for it 🙂 And you nicely described Spanglish – which has its couterparts in Denglish, Frenglish and other equivalents.


      2. ladyofthecakes Post author

        Learning languages from textbooks only get you so far. Thank God for the internet – now everybody has access to at least some colloquial English, if they can be bothered to make the effort. We weren’t so lucky back then 😉


  2. bevchen

    Congratulations! I can’t help with preparations… in 5 years of blogging, I’ve never been freshly pressed. Obviously I need to move to Spain and start hunting out Don Quixotes to take photos of… or maybe it was the baby photos that did it? 😉


  3. Expat Eye

    Congratulations! I’ve never been FP’d either but as we all know, I get my share of weirdos as it is 😉 Looking forward to reading the post that did it! Saving it for a bit later with a glass of wine so I can really enjoy it properly!


      1. Expat Eye

        Ha ha, no, trying to give my liver a rest after the weekend! But one medicinal glass later will be fine 😉 Need to start packing and tidying up a bit first so that will be my reward – your post, not the wine that is!


      2. Expat Eye

        Monday or Tuesday but I guess I can start throwing some winter things in black sacks as I’ll be working both days next week! Save some time now! Such a hassle. Can’t even remember what the bloody flat looks like now. 😉


      3. Expat Eye

        Still have to get to her recent posts as well! It’s been a crazy few days 😉 Might write something later as well – had an interesting proposition today 😉


      4. ladyofthecakes Post author

        Oooooh, we’d love to hear!!!
        Polly’s posted something very interesting a couple of days ago. She’s had quite a critical response to one of her posts, and she wrote a come-back on it. I think she really needs to hear from YOU! 😉


      5. ladyofthecakes Post author

        That’s made me laugh out loud.
        It’s not happened yet…they warn you at least a day in advance, and I only had the email late last night, but any minute now, I expect the mayhem to begin…
        Somebody re-blogged me yesterday, and it’s been quite busy since then, but totally manageable.


      6. Expat Eye

        It can take over your life a little! Even just trying to keep up with reading other people’s blogs, let alone writing your own! But I love it 😉


      7. ladyofthecakes Post author

        Yes, me too… and it’s been building up very slowly, which was nice for getting to know new blogs and new followers etc, and have time for chats 😉
        I’m a bit worried about the overwhelm factor. Plus, I’ve just read a blog post about a fellow bloggers’ problems with ‘haters’, and she really does not have the kind of blog you’d thought would attract these weirdoes…


      8. ladyofthecakes Post author

        Did I not explain the problems I had flat packing him?! And then, he just burst through all the bubble wrap with an almighty bang. Should not have fed him that borshtsh to prepare him for his new home. Sigh.


  4. camparigirl

    Congratulations! It was such a lovely post – well deserved. It’s a nice onslaught of e-mails you are going to receive. Usually the WP communty refrains from nasty comments. Don’t even try to respond to all in one go!



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