Street Snaps: Mummies At Large & A Leopard Print Rantathon

Another week, another round of frightfully frumpy tourists. I don’t even have words for this:


We're clearly in Halloween week now, we've got mummies on the loose!

We’re clearly in Halloween week now, there’s mummies on the loose!

And now, let’s turn to a favourite topic of mine: The merits (or NOT!) of animal print. There’s no escaping it this season, it’s absolutely everywhere. I guess I am a tad biased here, because I grew up with the firmly engrained dogma that leopard print garments were the sole domain of desperate women ‘of a certain age’ who were hell-bent on fighting the unbearable phenomenon of middle-aged invisibility with a sledge hammer.

BetLynchFor the Brits among you, the best known personification of sa(i)d strategy is probably publican Bet Lynch. (Bet Lynch, see left, was a much-beloved character on the long-running British soap Coronation Street).

OK, I will concede that an animal print accessory or item of clothing can, on occasions, look quite stylish, and pretty young women would get away with wearing a crown of dead squirrels on their head. On a mature lady, a nice zebra-striped scarf or snake skin bag can complete an outfit. But there are limits. And we’ll be looking at some pics now where those limits have been transgressed.

I mean, honestly: Is this in any way flattering???? NOOOOOOO!

I mean, honestly: Is this in any way flattering???? The teenager behind (wearing a tiger sweater, amusingly enough) can’t seem to believe it either!

What does this say to you? "I have a sexy wild side, come get me!? Or... "I'm camouflaging a skin disease!"

What does this say to you?
“I have a sexy wild side, come get me!” Or…
“I’m camouflaging a troublesome skin condition!”

No, no, noooooo!


To counteract the awfulness of all of the above, how about a teensy dog in human clothes:Doggy

You are cute, too, but I'm not quite sure you could pull it off...

You are cute, too, but I’m not quite sure you could pull off this outfit…

To view the rest of the Street Snaps series, click here.

64 thoughts on “Street Snaps: Mummies At Large & A Leopard Print Rantathon

  1. Every Day Adventures in Asia

    OMG these are atrocious and hilarious both!! Are you sure you aren’t asking people to find the worst clothes to wear ever?? This must be a set-up!

    Except for the mummy lady who clearly just had A LOT of work done and is still recovering before coming out of her cocoon all false and plasticy!


  2. gina4star

    O.M.G. I grew up with the same impression of leopard print, personified perfectly by the dear Bet Lynch! I love love love LOVE your Street Snaps photos, they really do never fail to evoke a “What the…?” from me. Head to toe leopard lady is carrying a Cancun bag! D’yu think she’s Mexican?!


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      She might well be… I didn’t get close enough to hear them (her, husband, kid) talking to each other.
      Glad to hear it amuses you, that’s the aim of the game. A bit of diversion from the Monday Blues 😉


      1. gina4star

        Definitely a bit of diversion, these always make me smile so much! And now, finally, I’m joining in! I did it! I did it, not the best photos haha, but hopefully a bit entertaining as well. Thank you for the theme! 🙂


  3. bevchen

    The top-to-toe leopard print woman isn’t doing herself any favours with that handful of crisps!

    I don’t even know what to say to the first photo. Why would you combine THAT shirt with THOSE leggings?! Actually, why would you wear those leggings at all?!


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      Why would you wear an outfit that shows off every crisp you’ve ever eaten?!?
      I think those leggins are quite fun on young girls, as long as they are combined with a muted top.


  4. Pecora Nera

    I love the pic of the woman in white with the green gloves. She must be American… (Sorry to all Americans reading this) PS In picture 4, is that child really eating Walkers cheese and onion crisps. I am not having withdrawal symptoms and I know it is only 4 months 12 days 4 hours since my last packet but ARE THEY WALKERS CHEESE AND ONION CRISPS!!!!!!!…

    Yours PN


      1. Pecora Nera

        Really I stand corrected…

        PN walks off in the direction of the kitchen in search of anything that Mrs Sensible has forgotten to hide.. quietly muttering “she looked American, now I wonder where Mrs Sensible has hidden the biscuits”


  5. linnetmoss

    Wicked, wicked lady, you made me laugh at these poor fashion victims, haplessly going about their hideous way, and unaware of the candid camera! I wondered about the mummy lady because she seems to be holding three electronic devices and wearing another. Maybe she’s calling the Mother Ship? As to animal prints, I now feel acutely self-conscious of my lingerie ; )


  6. pollyheath

    I think, just to spite certain people, when I get “of-a-certain-age” I am going to dress solely in leopard print. And encourage people to photograph my fashion-forward self 😉


  7. Expat Eye

    I’m blind 😉 I’m with you on the animal print thing – it was always a bit ‘mutton dressed up as lamb’ 🙂 Bet Lynch being the perfect example! Actually, I’m thinking of dressing up as a Latvian for Hallowe’en…

    Oh, and I HATE dogs in human clothes! 🙂


  8. Pingback: Street Snaps, Mexico City #1 | A 4star Life

  9. TBM

    I’m the first to admit that I don’t have any fashion sense. None. Not at all. But these people make me look good! The dog–just too darn cute.


  10. expatlingo

    “I guess I am a tad biased here, because I grew up with the firmly engrained dogma that leopard print garments were the sole domain of desperate women ‘of a certain age’ who were hell-bent on fighting the unbearable phenomenon of middle-aged invisibility with a sledge hammer.” My God this is so spot. Absolutely perfect.



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