New Reader A Cumbersome Nightmare

I’m guessing it’s not just me who absolutely hates the new WP Reader design. I want the word count back, and I don’t want to be forced to click twice to get to someone’s site/post.

There’s a forum thread on this, so if you’re fed up with this new state of affairs, too, please add your voice…





44 thoughts on “New Reader A Cumbersome Nightmare

    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      Thanks for adding your ten cents! If only a handful of people complain, they won’t do anything about it.
      Oh, why do they have to fiddle about with things that worked perfectly…??


      1. Lynda

        I might almost have lived with it, if the popup window didn’t throw you back the the top of the list when you closed it. What a time suck scrolling back to where you left off each time! 😐


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      I guess if enough of us prompted their blog readers to complain, we’d get a pretty big chain reaction… doesn’t take much just to say “I hate it, pls change it back!”.


  1. Karolyn Cooper

    There are several threads on the forum now – I added my thoughts to one called “New Reader Format”. When I first saw the new Reader I thought I had made a mistake with the zoom control for my screen, as nobody could deliberately use such a large font.


      1. Jennifer Avventura

        I really hope they get rid of it. It’s useless for those who don’t go mobile. Heck, I don’t even own a cellphone! It’s such a waste for those of us who spend a great deal of time crafting blog posts and making the blog reader friendly. Before we could read tidbits in the reader, why not just go back to that. If this keeps up I will be forced to move homes. 😦


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      Good. I just want them to take that crock of shite down, re-activate the old one (the one that had a word count!), and then for them to stand in a corner and think long and hard about their bad.


      1. linnetmoss

        When I first saw it, I thought there was something wrong with my browser! I updated the browser and it helped align the images and text, but it still looks awful and is a pain in the ass compared to the old one.


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