Sunday Buffet At The Westin

I’d been looking forward to this ALL YEAR: Gorging myself at the delectable buffet laid on every Sunday by The Key West Westin. And I was NOT disappointed…

Westin Food 1Westin Food 2

This was only the first round of desserts...

This was only the first round of desserts…

That's our waitress there on the far left, who kept our bubbly topped up :)

That’s our waitress there on the left, who kept our bubbly topped up 🙂

Suffice to say, we spent the rest of the day in a food coma….

52 thoughts on “Sunday Buffet At The Westin

      1. ladyofthecakes Post author

        There was a fish thing stuffed with prawns… I don’t remember exactly what it was, but it was heavenly. Also, the corn-stuffed pepper, which doesn’t sound very exciting, was heavenly. Desserts – the creme brulee, hands down.


      2. Anna

        i want it double!
        are tthere really floridian things I must try?
        bear in mind, i do not eat crustaceans or shellfish outside of crabcakes


  1. Expat Eye

    All looks a bit fishy for my taste, but the desserts look amazing! Keep ’em coming! 🙂 I’m living vicariously through you at the moment – it’s -13 here today… 😦


  2. Kim G

    That looks fantastic! But no cake?!? Creme Brulée instead?!?

    I wish I were there. It’s gotten bloody cold here (-10°C and dropping fast) and we’re forecast to get a good 15 cm of snow tonight. Blah!!!

    Happy vacationing!


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where we need to go to a posh brunch one of these days.


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      That place does the most glorious food, but the desserts, although visually appealing, aren’t all that great. Except for the creme brulee. However, I’ve got another cake post lined up for tomorrow 🙂
      Aw, that is mighty cold… tempted to escape to Mexico??


      1. Kim G

        I’m more than tempted. But there’s a long list of annoying little things that have kept me in Boston, one of which is still outstanding. If not for that, I would have left quite a while ago.

        By the way, do you ever use a nom de plume for your blog? Or even your real name?


      2. ladyofthecakes Post author

        Aw, life and its pesky little annoyances that scupper our fun 😉

        When I started blogging, I wasn’t sure whether or not to keep it anonymous. After doing it for a little while, I saw no need for anonymity. I don’t write about anything too contentious, and I decided to let my real life friends know about my blog, hence I steer clear of writing anything that might upset them.
        I’ve written guest posts, like this one and so I’m not by any means anonymous 😉


      3. Kim G

        Thanks. I’m not totally anonymous, but haven’t revealed my full name or location either. I want to add you to my blog roll, along with a couple of others, and I just want to be able to refer to a name when I write up why my readers should read your blog. I’m not sure when this is going to happen, but I do want to add a few folks, and hopefully I’ll get it done this week. Saludos!


      1. Kim G

        I’m just getting to the end of your “Languageboat” guest piece. Very interesting. I think I share many of your ideas about learning a language, particularly the idea that we all can do it, but just need to keep at it.

        One of my own particular tricks is to find popular music that I like, then Google the lyrics, and then learn the song and sing along. I have found that by doing that I have MASSIVELY increased my ability to understand spoken conversation. I also believe that music activates a different part of the brain, and that by including music, I can learn on another level that really augments the “normal” spoken level. Cheers!


      2. ladyofthecakes Post author

        Interesting, a lot of people find music really helpful when language learning. I must confess, I’ve not really exploited that resource so far, because I find that lyrics often feature “bad” grammar and odd vocab & collocations, because the need to fit the verse is paramount.


      3. Kim G

        Indeed, but as long as yo know it’s “bad” grammar, you’re ok. I just learned this song in Spanish, and the lyrics are completely ridiculous, full of non-sequiturs, but it’s fun to sing, and I did learn a few new words too.

        Also I’ve found that in real life, real people also use “bad” grammar, though much less so in Spanish than in English.


      4. ladyofthecakes Post author

        The problem is that in Spanish, I often can’t tell if it’s bad grammar, while in English (and in German), I can 😉
        Anyway, we shall keep on learning, determined as we are! I’m about to go to bed and continue with my book of Spanish short stories.


  3. barbedwords

    Mmmm, it all looks delicious. I love a buffet, as long as you’re with friends who are also there for the full monty and don’t start looking horrified when you’re on your fifth or sixth plate of food. I once went to a Chinese buffet for a hen party and I was the ONLY person who had more than one plateful!! Surely, not filling your boots defeats the whole purpose of a buffet???



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