Butterfly Bounty

Vicky’s lovely friends Frankie and David wrangled us freebie tickets to the Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory. We showed up there on Wednesday, bright and early, before the arrival of the wild tourist hordes.

Although fidgety by nature, when you’re surrounded by 1,500 of those dazzling beauties, some of them will actually hold still for long enough to get a good shot. As you can imagine, I went into a clicking frenzy until the red light on my camera alerted me to the battery’s defeat.

A total stunner!

The same kind as above, from the side

The same kind as above, from the side

And from the front :) These blue ones are very friendly, they seem to love sitting on people

And from the front 🙂 These blue ones are very friendly, they seem to love sitting on people

On pink flower




All that posing and fluttering about gives them a mighty appetite:

Butterflies on sponge feeder

Congregating on a (sangria-soaked?) sponge feeder


…and on a saucy banana


Butterflies aren’t the only inhabitants of the conservatory; there’s a whole flock of brightly-coloured birds keeping them company.

There are also Rhett and Scarlett

Including Rhett and Scarlett, who bicker loudly, and then make up, even more vociferously. When they don’t have their heads under water, that is.

...and this tiny, newly-hatched baby quail

A tiny, newly-hatched baby quail…aaaawwwwww!

30 thoughts on “Butterfly Bounty

  1. suejansons

    The Butterfly Conservatory is one of my favorite places in Key West! We took a million pictures when we were there too! And your pictures are absolutely gorgeous! I wish I could have gotten to hold baby quail! JEALOUS! Even if you have to pay, it is not expensive and worth every penny! Thanks for sharing!


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      There’s a slightly disconcerting story to it… the wee squirt has a couple of siblings, and the staff took those and their mother out of the conservatory and transferred them into a plastic tank for their safety. There’s people stampeding about in there, you see, and they didn’t want them to get trodden on. But this one they found a day later (a few minutes before I took that picture), and now the rest of the family won’t accept him 😦 He might still do OK, at least we’re hoping.


      1. Lynda

        I raise chicks from day old and they are very resilient. So, as long as it wasn’t too chilled when they found it, and they keep it under a heat lamp, then it should do fine! Too bad about Mom, but then, birds are so fickle! 😦


      2. ladyofthecakes Post author

        It’s not the temperature (it’s over 80 degrees in there), but the people trampling along the paths without looking, coz they are distracted by the butterflies.


  2. tobyo

    wow! what great colors! I especially like the black butterflies with blue/gold on their wings. we always pay a visit to the butterfly “tent” (used to be a tent, it’s now a building) at the Minnesota state fair every year. they always check visitors so that the butterflies that land on you don’t walk out with you 🙂


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      Just a cheap digital Olympus one, paid just over a hundred quid for it. It has a super-macro setting, which captures the detail nicely, provided you can get close enough and the object doesn’t move.



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