My Friday Treat: Cheesecake!

And without further a do, here it is:

The actual cheese part was divine... not so keen on the base, which was a bit soggy, nor was I sold on the caramel sauce, although it looked pretty on the plate.

The actual cheese part was divine… I was less keen on the base, which was a bit soggy, nor was I sold on the rather strong-tasting caramel sauce, although it looked pretty swirled all over the plate.

While I was indulging in the above, something amusing happened at the table behind. A couple had ordered the apple pie, which I absolutely love. Some of you may remember my apple pie post (click here, if you’ve missed it), where I mentioned the fact that it always arrived on the plate looking like a total train wreck:

Apple pie

The apple pie casualty

Said customers behind me were so taken aback by its appearance, that they felt compelled to enquire whether the pie had been subject to some kind of an accident. The waitress duly rushed back into the kitchen, emerging, a few seconds later, with an entire specimen, in order to illustrate to the dismayed diners that the pie crust didn’t lend itself to being sliced up and retaining its integrity.

I took the opportunity to take a pic of the ‘virgin’ pie:

Entire Apple Pie

Aw, so beautiful… and so delicious!

The couple, by the way, greatly enjoyed eating their apple pie after they got over the shock 🙂

59 thoughts on “My Friday Treat: Cheesecake!

  1. Karolyn Cooper

    Not a cheesecake fan. But I love the giant apple pie. I wonder if they always intended to bake the crumbling-and-falling-apart version, or if they just found that huge green pie dish one day and thought “how can we fill this?”


  2. joannesisco

    Sitting in my fridge right now is a white chocolate cheesecake on a shortbread crust. It is my foolproof go-to cheesecake recipe when I want something special … like together when I have my family gathered for dinner. Your photo reinforced my decision to have that cake! Again I say YUMMMM!


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      I love it 🙂 Although I’ve not been to NY in ages, I’ve a selective memory for food-related things. Much like a good friend of mine, who doesn’t remember the first encounter with her husband at the dinner party they both attended, but she recalls every organoleptic detail of the delicious lamb tagine on her plate, as if she’d eaten it only yesterday.


  3. Heyjude

    Cheesecake can often be a hit or miss affair. I prefer the baked cheesecakes – they are usually less sweet and my favourite was a New York recipe I used to bake myself! I think I’ll just have a piece of that pie – any custard to go with it?


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      I love baked cheesecake, I prefer that to the other kind.

      Ice cream with this pie, I’m afraid. Although Spain does do custardy desserts very well, I’ve never had it combined with pie here. A grave omission….


  4. June

    That’s the biggest apple pie I’ve ever seen! The cheesecake looks good, but for me cheesecake has to have a biscuit base. You need the crunchy, salty butteriness to balance out the sweetness of the cake. It’s ages since I’ve had cheesecake – must make one…


  5. Every Day Adventures in Asia

    So I’m sitting here in Jakarta attempting to work up the energy to go to the gym for a good workout… and what do I see? Mouthwatering cheese cake and tempting apple pie! You cruel goddess of cakes and more! Arrghhh!! Now I’m compelled to get out in a quest for yummy baked goods…. For shame!


  6. Kim G

    Normally, I’m not much of a fan of cheesecake, but the one you showed looked pretty nice. And, of course, as you’ve noted, desserts here in America tend to be overly sweet. It’s really a pity. Less sugar would be healthier AND tastier.


    Kim G
    New Orleans, LA
    Where we’ve had some wonderful food, but no cake so far.


  7. Anna

    Oh the horror of crumbled pie! If this is the worst thing that happens to one in Spain, no wonder you never have the kinds of exchanges that Linda has in Latvia.



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