My Friday Treat: Ponche Toledano

It occurred to me… we’ve not had a cake post for a while! Time to remedy that. And today’s Friday Treat was rather special – I tagged along with my pal Maria, gatecrashing an event one of her clients was holding in a posh hotel, El Parador De Toledo. Not only do they have the most amazing views of the city, but they also serve by far the best “Ponche Toledano”, a layered sponge cake filled with cream and enveloped in marzipan.

I've tried pretty much every single version of this local cake delicacy... nothing comes close to this one.

I don’t really need to tell you that I’ve tried pretty much every single version of this local delicacy… nothing comes close to this one.

And as for the views…

Parador view 1Parador views 2

At sunset, the views are even more fabulous. Here’s a post if you want to have a quick look:

Sunday Sunsets: Views From El Parador De Toledo

Besides the cake, the highlight of the day was a fun fashion show… more on that later 🙂


44 thoughts on “My Friday Treat: Ponche Toledano

  1. Kim in Fiji

    I believe you about your cake addiction since I saw the post of your childhood birthday cakes. It’s lovely to have such enthusiasm! (I, on the other hand, would just have fatter thighs.)


      1. Expat Eye

        I just remember it in Christmas cakes and those battenburg cakes (I think they were called that – the pink and yellow spongy ones!)


      2. Expat Eye

        I used to break them into the four squares – pink first, then yellow, then pink…
        Like the Mr Kipling French Fancies – except I never wanted the brown ones 🙂


      1. TheLastWord

        oh it did…. I’ve often toyed with the idea that I should become an English teacher and move to Spain. Even checked out the Certification courses etc. Your photographs add a compelling argument…


  2. June

    That marzipan actually looks really nice – sticky and nutty and not at all like that muck you get in butter packets for the Christmas cake. Fab view, too!


  3. joannesisco

    I shouldn’t have looked at this post and the piece of cake inside it while I was hungry. It seems I have a very powerful drool reflex. Now I’m very, very hungry. Must eat.


  4. Anna

    I am currently sitting at my favorite pub, catching up on blog reading and writing, and I just ordered pear & berry pie a la mode! Are you happy? 🙂


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      I am! Recovering from yesterday’s fun Madrid outing, and fiddling with the photos for a blog post that’s going up later.

      You need a rest, make the most of it 🙂

      There’ll better be a photo of that pie going up on fb…


      1. Anna

        HAHAH. Only for you. Actually this pub will be in another blogger’s monthly project, so will link it on here of course!


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