The Bavarian Has Landed

I hereby announce my return to The Fatherland. My darling brother picked me up from Munich airport, and it took no longer than the 40-minute drive to my mother’s place (aka The House of Cakes) to remind me exactly where I was…

Within ten minutes of hitting the Autobahn, we got stuck behind this vehicle... but who could possibly mind?!

Within ten minutes of hitting the Autobahn, we got stuck behind this vehicle… but who could possibly mind… when it’s clearly urgent medical supplies!

Why would you have a picnic by the river when you can actually be IN the river!?

Why would you have a picnic by the river when you can actually be IN the river!? (Note the guy in the hammock at the back, and, most important of all – the crate of BEER in the front!)

...the latter of which warranted a close-up. (Two missing already at 3.30pm on a weekday...)

…the latter warranted a close-up. (Two missing already at 3.30pm on a weekday…)

Just don’t expect anything serious out of me for the next three weeks…



67 thoughts on “The Bavarian Has Landed

    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      Thanks Debbie! I made bro stop to take the shot – he’s always ready to indulge my blog faffery, bless him – but we didn’t have enough time to actually join in 😉


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      Yup, top marks for them stringing up the hammock and dragging all the furniture into the river – what baffles me, though, is that ping pong table (if that’s what it is) – the river bed is full of pebbles, you can’t possibly be hopping about in that!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. narami

        You guys have alligators?!!! On rivers!! That makes this an extreme sport of some sort 🙂 we don’t have those. You could see some iguanas in nearby trees maybe…


  1. linnetmoss

    I didn’t realize the Germans had this much fun! The ones I know in person are all academics who seem very stiff and formal. When I’m not looking they must let their hair down (so to speak) in a big way, but it’s hard to imagine. Still, the picnic IN the river looks sublime 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kim G

    I guess that’s the German way to “go with the flow.” Cool…very cool.


    Kim G
    Boston, MA
    Where your post inspired me to open my own bottle of beer.



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