35 thoughts on “Bread Galore!

  1. narami

    Manfriend has just inquired something that you could answer, he (well we) want to know the averange living price in Spain (how much is rent, utilities, food…) and the work posibilities for someone in the pharmaceutical industry? Agriculture?
    We are curious. Real curious. Thanks for your time and thanks if you can answer 🙂


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      Hi there! Marianne from East of Malaga does a regular The Cost of Living in Spain update, the latest is here: http://eastofmalaga.net/2014/02/24/cost-of-living-in-spain-february-2014/

      As for work opportunities in specific sectors, I’ve no clue, I must confess. Unemployment is sky high, but there’s always seasonal work in the agricultural sector, however, the pay is likely to be abysmal. In pharma, I imagine, for somebody qualified and experienced with a good command of English, there may well be work out there.

      Sorry if this is a bit vague… keep me posted on your plans 🙂


      1. narami

        Thank you so much for your promptness!! by agriculture I meant if we were to produce and sell from owned or rented land…do you have any idea were I could get that info? sorry to bother, and thanks again.


      2. ladyofthecakes Post author

        De nada 🙂 I’m not sure what the situation is re. selling home-grown produce… I’m sure there are plenty of organic farmers’ markets in Madrid… can’t come up with any specific info, though. Sorry…


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