Bread Flowers

On my way home from lunch today, I spotted this original bread display outside the local bakery:

Flower bread

Reminds me of giant daffodils, spring has arrived! But… who’d want to break those works of art?!

And here’s an angled view, so you get a better sense of proportions, as well as a glimpse of the bakery’s interior:

Bread shop

I mentioned lunch, didn’t I? Here is what I had:

A delicious vegetable moussaka :)

A most delicious vegetable moussaka with hummus on the side 🙂

Now, before anyone comments, “What, no cake??”, let me assure you, I DID have cake for afters. It just wasn’t very photogenic, and, sadly, not overwhelming in the taste department either. Sigh. I’ll just have to wait until they start making their courgette cake again… now THAT was good.

57 thoughts on “Bread Flowers

      1. Andean

        Not for sale?! I already visualized immediately breaking off a petal and dunking it in my café con leche. Yum


  1. Lynda

    Very fancy bread! I know a secret about those clean cut edges… kitchen shears! I used to make fancy bread with one of my students who I sometimes babysat on weekends. We patted out the dough after we punched it down and then used the scissors to cut out our shapes. When the bread rises again it maintains the clean-cut edges. We made animals and people with ours, and even a hedgehog once! This made for delicious fun in the kitchen! (Yes, we did eat it, every time!) I have also made zucchinni bread, but never courgette cake. I must look up the recipe for cake! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      That is so cool! Trust you to know the secret to fancy bread 🙂

      Well, the zucchini cake can’t be that hard to make… if you manage it, pls post the results. I’ll be here, waiting and drooling and liking 🙂



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