A Sunday Walk. Lots Of Colours. And A Happy Ending :)

Sunday was the last day of Corpus Christi week, Toledo’s major annual “fiesta”.  My friend Catalina and I decided to take to the streets with our cameras before all the decorative splendour disappeared back into the box again for another year.

Toledo Calle Ancha

The main shopping street

Even the local theatre got some fancy curtains

Even the local theatre was beautified with some very fancy curtains for the occasion

Part of a floral display outside the cathedral

Part of a floral display outside the cathedral

Never mind the giants lined up in front of the Town Hall - what's with the hundreds of bags filled with water dangling down from the balcony?!

Never mind the giants lined up in front of the Town Hall, they make an appearance every year – but what’s with the hundreds of bags filled with water dangling down from the balcony?! I’m guessing it’s to do with spending cuts…

Is it me or do they look like they've got goldfish in them...?

Is it me or do they look like they have goldfish in them…?

Catalina. I think she may be off-side ;-)

Catalina. I think she may be waaay off side 😉

You didn't think we'd be out there, toiling away in the streets of Toledo, without adequate sustenance, did you?!

All that hard toil out there in the scorching-hot streets deserved a reward at the end 🙂

48 thoughts on “A Sunday Walk. Lots Of Colours. And A Happy Ending :)

  1. expatlingo

    I once worked for a wedding caterer. One summer there was a rage for goldfish-in-a-bowl centerpieces. Unfortunately the temperature during one wedding reception crept perilously upward and we ended up with bowls of dead-goldfish-in-a-bowl as centerpieces.


      1. expatlingo

        Hadn’t thought of that either, but since I’ve seen four divorces between my parents (together and individually) I suppose you’re exactly right. It’s a statistical miracle I’m still married!


  2. Anonymous

    Those plastic coloured bags brighten with sun creates a lovely efect! I have them too! 🙂
    I wonder why you didn´t show the puddle..


      1. Anna

        I need to type up 24 pieces for this blog and go through 4560 photos. I am mildly optimistic about work-work tomorrow bc I stayed on top of sh*t throughout 🙂 Otherwise I might have decided to never come back!


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