Bavaria: Meet The Kitties

I’m not the only Bavarian whose prime motivation in life is FOOD. Which is just as well, because, for the past two weeks, I’ve been desperate to introduce my favourite village cats to my blog readers. And while cakes don’t mill around and are easy to snap at a favourable angle, fidgety felines pose a much greater challenge. So, I thought, let’s try and entice them with treats to get a few passable mug shots.

First up is Mausi. She belongs to my Mum’s neighbours. Although she’s 18 and getting a bit stiff, she still chases after people for a scratch and slinks through half-open doors on the scrounge for tasty tidbits. Here she is in my Mum’s kitchen:

'Keen' would be an understatement...

‘Keen’ would be an understatement…

"You made me look ridiculous in that last photo, didn't you?!?"

“You made me look ridiculous in that last photo, didn’t you?!?”

Toby, my friend Corinna's cat. He's less interested in the treat than he is suspicious of the camera...

Toby, my friend Corinna’s cat. He’s less interested in the treat than he is suspicious of the camera… which is strange, seeing as he’s 17 and has probably encountered one before. But don’t be deceived by his apparent grumpiness – he’ll collapse at your feet in a sweet purry mess at the first opportunity.

Schnuff, Toby's best friend. He's not allowed in the house, so he sits as close as he can get to the back door.

Schnuff, Toby’s best friend and partner in crime. He’s not allowed in the house, so he sits as close to the back door as he can get, waiting for his goodies.

Yup, it's going in.

Yup, it’s going in.

Seppi, my friend Peggy's cat. We're taking him to the vets this morning, and he knows it. Seppi is 14 and blind, though you could never tell.

Seppi, my friend Peggy’s cat. We’re taking him to the vets this morning, and he knows it. Seppi is 14 and blind, though you could never tell.

Seppi close-up

Oh so handsome – and very sweet natured 🙂

Terracotta kitty on a garage roof

Terracotta kitty on a garage roof



66 thoughts on “Bavaria: Meet The Kitties

      1. Karolyn Cooper

        I need a sweet and affectionate pet. One of our donkeys bit me this afternoon. My own fault. My hand, holding a quarter of an apple, was pointing towards the grey donkey (currently named Shaggy or Mr Boombastic) when the brown donkey (now known as Luis Suarez) made a lunge for the apple and bit my palm instead. No real damage…and there were plenty of apples to go round.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Karolyn Cooper

        No he didn’t. I think his teeth are quite flat – but there’s huge power in those jaws if he chose to bite hard. We haven’t fallen out yet. I will just be more careful.


      1. ladyofthecakes Post author

        I should also add that he’s not actually all that enormous. I’ve got extremely small hands, you see. They make men look big… and, evidently, cats as well 😉


      2. NancyTex

        you could have hands the size of a toddler and that freak of nature would still look too big. Actually, no. it’s too TALL, that’s the issue. It’s a tall cat. Perhaps part giraffe?


  1. Heyjude

    Oh, I cannot stop laughing – not just these photos but your conversation with Nancy! I will make sure you NEVER photograph me. As for Seppi – I agree with Karolyn, definitely Tiger in there, but very handsome. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anna

    Cant believe you’re such a cat person.
    They all look like they’re trying to kill me in my sleep.
    Tho that’s been a recurring theme in my mind lately. Maybe it’s not them, it’s me.


  3. June

    I’m not a big pussy fan. They all look the same to me – evil and a bit scary. I could take photos of cocks all day, though. The neighbours have a new one. Damn fine specimen with black feathers and bright red wobbly bits. Hope you’re enjoying your trip home!


  4. Kim in Fiji

    Here kitty, kitty, kitty! I’d take Schnuff home and leave plenty of treats for the rest of them. As for the cat haters – just lucky you weren’t in ancient Egypt! THEY knew how to appreciate their grain-protectors!


  5. somewonderland

    They’re so cute 🙂 You know like some people are cat people or dog people. And I’m kind of an anomaly, ’cause I’d gladly keep a dog or a cat or both. Since I can’t have any at the moment (dang it!), I’m always the one to enjoy pets of other people. And all my friends know, if they need some one to take care of their cat or dog while they’re away, they can turn to me


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      I like both, cats and dogs, although I prefer the former. It’s not practical for me to have a pet, as I travel quite a bit, so I also make the most of other people’s furry darlings 🙂


    1. ladyofthecakes Post author

      I think I know who you mean, lol, but I don’t remember her name! I had no idea either of the funny faces they pull when they go for a tasty morsel. It’s been a … revelation 😉


  6. pollyheath

    These are like kitty paparazzi shots – love it! And unlike in men, I do enjoy a cat with a big nose like that in the second to last photo – looks so regal!


  7. Jackie Cangro

    Lovely kitties! I want to give them all a bowl of tuna and pat their tummies right now.
    They are all beautiful, but Seppi is unusually handsome. What a striking face. He’s not too far away from his wild feline ancestors. 🙂 I hope you give him extra treats after his vet visit.


  8. Pingback: Friday Linkies Aug 29th - Charlotte Steggz

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